
In this paper, Jobs for the Future elaborates on over a decade of work supporting community college access and completion to offer a more inclusive policy approach. This approach is specifically targeted to ensuring that our postsecondary systems are designed in ways that narrow achievement gaps, especially for those populations of students and workers who are at particular risk of not gaining the skills, competencies, and credentials needed to share in and contribute to our nation’s economic growth.

On April 26, 2022, the U.S. Department of Education announced actions to help incarcerated individuals access educational programs as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s broader efforts to support reentry, empower formerly incarcerated persons, enhance public safety, and strengthen our communities and our economy.

The full text of the FAFSA Simplification Act, as passed by the 116th Congress.

As of July 1, 2023, a confined or incarcerated individual is eligible to receive a Federal
Pell Grant if they enroll in an eligible Prison Education Program (PEP). This fact sheet
provides more information for postsecondary schools about the approval process for
a postsecondary program to become an eligible PEP.

The purpose of this fact sheet is to outline the Department of Education’s requirements that will
be effective on July 1, 2023 at 34 CFR 668 Subpart P for nationally recognized institutional
accrediting agencies (agencies) for its accredited institutions to establish eligibility of a prison
education program (PEP).

Ithaka S+R’s letter to the Department of Education outlines their concerns and provides recommendations that would help ensure that people who are incarcerated in the United States are provided the opportunity to participate in and benefit from a quality education.

In this webinar, experts on administering financial aid in prison settings discuss what financial aid administrators and prison education practitioners can do to ensure they are prepared to effectively support incarcerated learners with Pell Grant eligibility. Learn tips to successfully administer Pell Grants for incarcerated students and gain an understanding of the existing regulations and guidance impacting prison education programs and the tools available to assist the financial aid and prison education communities when serving this student population.

In this webinar, experts on administering financial aid in prison settings discuss what financial aid administrators and prison education practitioners can do to ensure they are prepared to effectively support incarcerated learners with Pell Grant eligibility. Learn tips to successfully administer Pell Grants for incarcerated students and gain an understanding of the existing regulations and guidance impacting prison education programs and the tools available to assist the financial aid and prison education communities when serving this student population.