HEP Program Operations

While end-of-course surveys are standard in most colleges and universities, they’re often designed for traditional students and overlook the unique needs of incarcerated students and the educators who serve them. This guide bridges that gap, offering evaluation questions tailored to the prison education context. Developed with input from students enrolled in prison education programs, it’s a tool to help ensure course evaluations are both meaningful and relevant. 

This guide was developed in collaboration between the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates…

While end-of-course surveys are standard in most colleges and universities, they’re often designed for traditional students and overlook the unique needs of incarcerated students and the educators who serve them. This guide bridges that gap, offering evaluation questions tailored to the prison education context. Developed with input from students enrolled in prison education programs, it’s a tool to help ensure course evaluations are both meaningful and relevant. 

This guide was developed in collaboration between the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates…

On September 30, 2024, Ithaka S+R released a new research report exploring how colleges and community organizations partner to provide reentry services. 

The following text was posted on the Ithaka S+R blog to announce publication.

When revised federal Pell Grant regulations went into effect in July of 2023, one of the provisions stipulated that college in prison programs would be obliged to document how they provide reentry services…

On September 30, 2024, Ithaka S+R released a new research report exploring how colleges and community organizations partner to provide reentry services. 

The following text was posted on the Ithaka S+R blog to announce publication.

When revised federal Pell Grant regulations went into effect in July of 2023, one of the provisions stipulated that college in prison programs would be obliged to document how they provide reentry services…

On September 30, 2024, the Department of Education significantly revised its instructions that allow schools to apply to be official Prison Education Programs. The announcement details the new instructions and provides some process clarifications. You can find more information on the NASFAA PEP WebCenter, located at nasfaa.org/pep. The link to information about starting a Prison Education Program, including the announcement, can be found at https://www.nasfaa.org/starting_pep

We are assessing the impacts of…

We are excited to announce that the interest form and onboarding process for the Higher Education in Prison (HEP) Orientation program is now open!

This professional development opportunity is designed to enhance the skills of faculty, staff, and stakeholders working in Prison Education Programs. Participants will engage in interactive modules, group discussions, and hands-on activities aimed at building strong learning communities within carceral spaces. Participants will have the chance to collaborate with student body representatives…

Title: Finding and Welcoming PEP Students: Continuing the Conversation

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024

Start Time: 12:30 p.m. ET

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: Free to All

Registration Link: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4698694/91D05DA347F67CA71F98DF536D9CCA27


At the NASFAA convening Breaking Barriers: Bridging…

Academic Advising in Prison Education Programs: Strategies for Successful Implementation

Date: Friday, September 13, 2024

Start Time: 2:30 p.m. ET 

Duration: 90 minutes

Price:  Free to All

Presenters: Sheila Meiman, Dr. Paula Pitcher and Dr. Wendy Troxel

Registration Link: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4698549/1521A938619C03D5EA7F863C93F07BF0 

Description: This session, sponsored by the National Association of Student Financial…

Our mission at the American Institutes for Research® (AIR®) is to generate and use rigorous evidence that contributes to a better, more equitable world. In partnership with Ascendium, we are embarking on an initiative that promises to benefit the field of Higher Education in Prison through the release of open resources and opportunities for shared learning. 

We have issued a Request for Proposals that invites Higher Education in Prison (HEP) programs to submit a proposal that addresses high-leverage technical assistance needs in the field. Selected grantees…

This research paper examines the development and administration of Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, an in-prison college program run and staffed primarily by its own formerly incarcerated graduates. This paper also explores the impact of lived experience on managing and teaching in the program, as well as strategies for academic partners looking to best support interventions led by those who are closest to the problem and, in turn, closest to the solution.