
With support from the Ascendium Education Group and the Ichigo Foundation, Jobs for the Future’s Center for Justice & Economic Advancement is excited to launch the Normalizing Education Collective (The Collective), a year-long community of practice designed to support non-profit postsecondary institutions nationwide as they explore building or expanding high quality postsecondary pathways in prison that lead

Second Chance Month Reflection

Executive Director, Ved Price 

Alliance for Higher Education in Prison

April 2024


Reentry and Chances

Second Chance Month has noble aims, and in many ways has strived to address the collateral consequences that extend long beyond a person’s release from incarceration.

Join Team CPE! This Women's History Month, we're hiring our first-ever coordinator for full-time focus on our program at York CI -- where CPE has created rigorous college access for incarcerated women in CT for 10 years running. Looking forward to adding a passionate collaborator to this project and community.

Apply here: https://careers.wesleyan.edu/postings/10350 

What does Education in Action look like in practice? Since its inception, the U.S. prison system has functioned to separate people from their families, communities, and the people they harmed. The system has also functioned to prevent people who have caused harm from engaging in any meaningful reparative action.

If you haven't checked them out lately, take a moment to see what's new on the Alliance's Job Board and Community Events page!

MIT is holding an event to gather professors, students, policy makers, and members of the business community to discuss equitable hiring practices and the barriers that individuals from marginalized communities face in socioeconomic, professional arenas. This event is to discuss and improve public support for second chance hiring practices for formerly incarcerated individuals and will be featuring the story of Daniel Dart, MIT's first formerly incarcerated student at the Sloan School of Business. 

The U.S. Department of Labor will be granting $52 million to support projects that advance pre-release job training and apprenticeship programs for incarcerated individuals.

This news article reflects on Donnie Veal's journey of being a formerly incarcerated student looking for employment. 

This news article examines how San Quentin's program, Prison to Employment Connection or P2EC, helps men learn how to put the work they've done inside into context for prospective employers. P2EC is a 14-week job-readiness training program for people who are within one year of a release date or have a scheduled parole board hearing in the next six months. The curriculum includes an assessment to help participants identify possible careers, workshops on identifying strengths and transferable skills, and résumé editing.