College Preparation

With support from the Ascendium Education Group and the Ichigo Foundation, Jobs for the Future’s Center for Justice & Economic Advancement is excited to launch the Normalizing Education Collective (The Collective), a year-long community of practice designed to support non-profit postsecondary institutions nationwide as they explore building or expanding high quality postsecondary pathways in prison that lead

Many universities, community colleges, certificate/technical and vocational programs, and non-accredited courses have already joined the growing HEP community and with the expansion of Pell, it is now more important than ever for educators hoping to make a foray into prison education spaces, to have resources and guidance to start their prison education partnership program.

Leveraging the return of Pell Grants to create additional opportunities for students in correctional facilities at federally approved Prison Education Programs (PEPs) require close collaboration between the college’s prison program office staff, the correctional agency, and the college’s financial aid department. This resource details some of the initial steps in establishing these critical partnerships and getting ready to administer the FAFSA for incarcerated students as a PEP. Keep in mind that the details may vary depending on state and local context.  

Scholarships, grants, and loans are some of the many options available to help you pay for your college education. But figuring out how to access and combine them can be overwhelming.

This article will help answer questions like, “How do you qualify for a grant vs. a scholarship?” and “How do you apply for student loans vs. scholarships?” Plus, it'll show you how to apply for scholarships, grants, and loans as well as the best way to put them all together so you can save the most money.

This brief from the National Skills Coalition

TODAY!  On January 31 from 2:00 - 3:15 ET, NASFAA (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators) will host a free and publicly available webinar. See below for a description and links to register.

Workshop: Completing the Paper 24/25 FAFSA with Students Who Are Incarcerated

You can now download and print the November/December issue of College Inside. It features coverage from the National Conference for Higher Education in Prisons held in Atlanta in November. We also take a trip to a spa in Thailand that trains incarcerated women, and we share more results from our reader survey on technology.