
I came across this post in some research that I performed for one of my work groups for justice-impacted professional training design and my heart was warmed by the progressive step that Washington State Department of Corrections is taking to improve their system by hiring a formerly incarcerated person for a salaried administrative position.

Check out my article published by Open Campus!! It was an honor to share a look at the transformative experience I was blessed to have teaching as a Visiting Instructor at Colby College.

"Incarcerated people are rarely hired for outside jobs. A teaching gig changed my life."  https://www.opencampusmedia.org/2024/01/03/incarcerated-people-are-rarely-hired-for-outside-jobs-a-teaching-gig-changed-my-life/


The Incarceration Nations Network (INN) developed this toolkit to push for long-term systemic change that moves spending away from futile punishment and devastating harm and toward community justice. This toolkit describes what this effort looks like in the context of the United States. 

Open Campus, a nonprofit newsroom focused on higher education, produces College Inside, a newsletter focused on the future of postsecondary education in prison. We publish a biweekly email and a monthly print PDF edition for inside distribution.

Trellis Foundation blog post suggested by Keisha Johnson on the Whova conference app.

The Power of Policy Fellowships in Achieving Systemic Change