Technology Implementation for Higher Education in Prison: A Playbook for DOC Education Leaders

Ithaka S+R designed a playbook to help correctional education leaders center student learning as they navigate the education technology landscape. The guide, created with support from Ascendium Education Group and in dialogue with several correctional education leaders, provides decision-making tools and frameworks to assist leaders as they consider how to implement new education technology in prisons. 

The playbook includes:

  • A framework to help correctional leaders clarify goals and objectives for implementing education technology
  • A downloadable set of tools and interactive exercises to guide strategy and strategically plan decision making
  • Considerations about the benefits and drawbacks of using different technologies for education
  • Ranges of technical specifications to help leaders compare devices

Our aim with the playbook is to provide strategies and approaches that will make it easier to incorporate new education technology to improve educational outcomes, educational equity, and student educational experiences. While the playbook was designed with correctional leaders in mind, we hope it will be of broader value to the higher education in prison field.