Ithaka S+R designed a playbook to help correctional education leaders center student learning as they navigate the education technology landscape. The guide, created with support from Ascendium Education Group and in dialogue with several correctional education leaders, provides decision-making tools and frameworks to assist leaders as they consider how to implement new education technology in prisons.
The playbook includes:
- A framework to help correctional…
Ithaka S+R designed a playbook to help correctional education leaders center student learning as they navigate the education technology landscape. The guide, created with support from Ascendium Education Group and in dialogue with several correctional education leaders, provides decision-making tools and frameworks to assist leaders as they consider how to implement new education technology in prisons.
The playbook includes:
- A framework to help correctional…
This is a Spanish translation of an existing application. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step in the financial aid process. You use the FAFSA form to apply for federal student aid, such as grants, work-study, and loans. In addition, most states and colleges use information from the FAFSA form to award nonfederal aid.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step in the financial aid process. You use the FAFSA form to apply for federal student aid, such as grants, work study, and loans. In addition, most states and colleges use information from the FAFSA form to award nonfederal aid.
Postsecondary institutions use the E-App to apply for designation as an eligible institution, and for initial participation, recertification, reinstatement, or change in ownership, or to update a current approval. Updates include changes such as name or address change, new location or program, increased level of offering, change of officials, or mailing address for publications.
This form is to be completed by institutions of higher education or postsecondary vocational institutions applying to the Department of Education for approval of a prison education program (PEP) in collaboration with the appropriate state department of corrections or other entity responsible for overseeing correctional facilities or the Federal Bureau of Prisons, if applicable.
This document consists of two types of pages:
1. Instructional pages like this one with a grey bar along the left margin explain how to use the toolkit, provide guidance about how to conduct a strategic planning process, and describe how the output of your process might look.
2. Worksheet pages provide space to write. The worksheet pages have page numbers in the bottom corner that correspond to the document’s pre-formatted table of contents. You can type your responses into the spaces provided in the PDF worksheet pages. When the PDF is completed electronically, you will have…
With support from an anonymous donor, Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison and the Saint Louis University Prison Program have spearheaded a year-long planning process related to the formation of a national organization for higher education in prison. Throughout the process, input was gathered from a broad range of stakeholders and key partners related to the purpose and promise of higher education in prison, its role in addressing larger issues of injustice in our society, and ways in which a national organization could serve to increase access to higher education in prison. The…
This discussion guide is a useful tool for facilitators leading thoughtful conversations about the content in the report, and for notetakers seeking to capture important ideas and action items. You’ll find questions, materials, and guidelines, as well as instructions and tips for both facilitators and notetakers. The purpose of the discussion guide is to create a dialogue among people who care about improving equity, access, and excellence in higher education in prison programs. Staff and program administrators can use this discussion guide to:
• Discuss opportunities and talk with…
With support from an anonymous donor, Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison and the Saint Louis University Prison Program have spearheaded a year-long planning process related to the formation of a national organization for higher education in prison. Throughout the process, input was gathered from a broad range of stakeholders and key partners related to the purpose and promise of higher education in prison, its role in addressing larger issues of injustice in our society, and ways in which a national organization could serve to increase access to higher education in prison. The…