Grant Opportunity: Pathway Home

The U.S. Department of Labor will be granting $52 million to support projects that advance pre-release job training and apprenticeship programs for incarcerated individuals.

These Pathway Home grants will be awarded to projects that provide incarcerated individuals with legal assistance, counseling, job search strategies and other foundational skills prior to release. These grants – ranging from $1 million to $4 million to each recipient – demonstrate the value of initiatives like Education in Action that close the gaps between higher education in prison and employment opportunities.

Learn more about how to apply and share this reentry opportunity with your networks:




Profile picture for user Tori_Scott

This is SO awesome, Meg! Thank you for posting this! I just forwarded the link to our Director of Education and Professional Development and told her "this is a chance we can't pass up!"


The Pathway Home grant opportunity is an excellent initiative aimed at providing essential support and resources to individuals transitioning from incarceration to the community. By focusing on education, job training, and placement services, this program addresses critical needs, promotes successful reintegration, and reduces recidivism rates. This grant represents a significant investment in creating safer, stronger communities and offering second chances to those seeking to rebuild their lives.