Program Funding

Access to education is in high demand among the incarcerated population. There are clear benefits to students who are incarcerated, their families and communities, public safety, and safety inside prisons. Yet the gap in educational aspirations and participation has been largely driven by a lack of capacity due to limited funding.

On October 28, 2022, the United States Department of Education (USDE) published final regulations that provide a framework for how to implement Pell reinstatement and ensure highquality postsecondary education in correctional facilities. The regulations will take effect on July 1, 2023. Specifically, the FAFSA Simplification Act, passed on December 27, 2020, restored Pell Grant eligibility for incarcerated students.

The 1994 Crime Bill barred incarcerated students from receiving Pell Grants. In 2015, the Second Chance

The 1994 Crime Bill barred incarcerated students from receiving Pell Grants. In 2015, the Second Chance

The research team asked if institutional leaders provide tuition statements to incarcerated students. If
so, the leaders were asked to provide de-identified student bills as part of their participation in the study. Five

The research team asked if institutional leaders provide tuition statements to incarcerated students. If
so, the leaders were asked to provide de-identified student bills as part of their participation in the study. Five

The research team asked if institutional leaders provide tuition statements to incarcerated students. If
so, the leaders were asked to provide de-identified student bills as part of their participation in the study. Five

Launched in 2015, the Second Chance Pell Experiment allowed a select number of institutions of higher
education to provide Pell grants to incarcerated students. Seven years later, and on the cusp of Pell
expansion, there are a few noteworthy impacts of the Federal Experiment:
» As of 2022, up to 200 institutions of higher education can participate in the federal Experiment.
» Over 28,000 unduplicated students enrolled in postsecondary education through the Second Chance
   Pell Experiment from 2016-2021.