Posted on June 17, 2024
Colleagues -
Greetings and happy Monday (or whatever day it is that you read this). Many of you know that the Bloomsbury Prison Education Handbook is coming out October 3, 2024 so we're less than 4 months out. Given what seems to be a very positive internal response to the text, there have been conversations about a potential second book. As a result, I'll be putting together a proposal for said second text, with the hope that it covers the topics we didn't address in the handbook and expands on some that ARE in the handbook.
But the success of the proposal, and the text overall, depends upon the desire of folks to contribute chapters. So, for those who are interested in contributing to this second piece, please complete this Google Form that asks for a chapter title and abstract. For those who can provide this opportunity to incarcerated students, please provide them with a printed off version of the form and ask them to mail it to:
Dr. Erin S. Corbett
Second Chance Educational Alliance, Inc.
360 Bloomfield Avenue
Suite 301
Windsor, CT 06095
For those with technology access, this form will be open until Friday, June 28, 2024 at 5pm Eastern. For incarcerated persons, we will accept submissions through July 12, 2024.
Please share with your international networks for a larger reach. Hope to hear from many of you!
- E
Erin S. Corbett, EdD
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Second Chance Educational Alliance, Inc.
860.578.8242 |
Appointments Available HERE
Comment by amelia rolando on Mon, 07/01/2024 - 04:44
Topics in Educational Access, Outcomes, and Student Success could lead a person to contemplate the transformative impact of education in prisons. They might consider issues like access to learning, post-release outcomes, and the success of students in overcoming the intersection of education, social justice, and rehabilitation.